Dr Daniela Storino
Data: 22 & 23 November 2019
Location: Warsaw, Poland
BioFisioLogic Orthodontics with H4
My dear Doctors,
Once more I’m honored and very excited to come again to Warsaw and have the opportunity to share with you a little bit of the knowledge I’ve acquired over the years based on my clinical experience.First of all, I would like to show you how to “squeeze the juice” out of Passive Self-ligation using H4. From indirect bonding, to starting and conducting complex challenging cases more efficiently, combining PSL, disarticulation, light elastics, germectomies and skeletal anchorage for “en mass” movemnts.
I’ll be discussion a little bit of phase 1 treatment with transverse adequacy of the arches and MOAW/DAW/Mulligan mechanics to gain or recover spaces and overjet, as well as early intervention of Cl II and Cl III malocclusions.
My passion for a while now has been bone physiology and osteoclast /osteoblast modulation for bone remodeling. I will show you how to combine micro-osteoperforations (MOPs) and high frequency vibrations to correct stubborn posterior crossbites, severe collapsed and constricted arches, always trying to avoid RPE, MARPE, SARPE, among other things.
On that note, let’s discussed treatment of impacted ectopic teeth, starting with impossible canines - form the correct surgery to designing biomechanics for treatment.
Also, I’d like to present a more complete view on bruxism and TMD, from etiology to dynamic diagnose and intervention when and if needed, to treatment.
On that note, I’ll be revising development of open bites and individualized treatment for each case based upon skeletal and dental malocclusions. One question that I get frequently asked is: should we first treat the skeletal or dental malocclusion? We shall see!
Nowadays, in our orthodontic practices, we all know that it’s mandatory to have TADs (temporary anchorage devices) for it’s the only true skeletal anchorage. I’ll be sharing with you the history, indications and insertion techniques, as well as biomechanics of extra-alveolar mini-screws on the Buccal Shelf and Modified Infra-zygomatic crest.
Last but not least, combining all the above, I will show you how to solve borderline cases without orthognathic surgery, specially hyperdivergent Cl IIs gummy smile in adults as well as growing patients, controlling the vertical and redirecting growth, and facial asymmetry cases (MLD).
Look forward to seeing you all again,
Daniela.H4 and 3D Orthodontics
- How to use PSL
- Difference between conventional brackets and passive self-ligation
- Can we obtain the same results with any brackets?
- Bracket positioning - where should I bond my brackets
- Wire sequence suggested - when to change wires?
- Working wires and transitional wires
- which elastics to use?
- the importance of vertical dimension (VDO)
- how to disarticulate?
- reasons for disarticulation
- how to obtain the correct VDO
- how should I start my treatments?
- the real aetiology of malocclusions
- the correct diagnose of malocclusions
- measurements I should look at in my lateral cephs
- the importance of functional occlusion
- step-by-step treatment of ClIs
- step-by-step treatment of Cl IIIs
- complex cases
CV - Dr Daniela Storino
HIGH SCHOOL – GUNN HIGH SCHOOL – Palo Alto / California – USA (1986-1988)
Graded American School – Escola Graduada de São Paulo (1988-1990)
American, Brazilian and European Honors Roll Accreditation of
Baccalaureate certificates
DDS – Doctor in Dental Science - Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP (1992-1995)
PEDIATRIC RESIDENCY – Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Estadual de Londrina – UEL (1996-1997)
ORTHODONTIC RESIDENCY – Orthodontics and Facial Orhtopedics Specialist - Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo – FOUSP /FUNDECTO (2000-2002)
MASTERS DEGREE - Master of Science in Oral Biology (Orthodontics and Facial Orhtopedics) - Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo – FOUSP (2002-2004)
DOCTORATE DEGREE - PhD in Medical Sciences (Orthodontics and Facial Orhtopedics) - Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo – FOUSP (2004-2006)
Assitant Professor at the Post-Grad Program - FUNDECTO / FOUSP (2002-2006)
• Scientific Coordinator for the Post-Grad Orthodontic Program at Universidad Autónoma de Asunción – UAA / Asunción, Paraguay (2006-2009)
• Researcher and Research Coordinator for the Pediatric and Orthodontic Departmenr at Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo – FOUSP (2011 - até o momento)
• Extensive lecturing throghout Brazil and South American countries
PRACTICING ORTHODONTICS - 2003 - present (7 1/2 years of PSL)
• Member of the Brazilian Orthodontic Society
• Member of the World Federation of Orthodontist
• Progressive Studies Group
• Masters Continuum Group
• photography, architecture, reading, travelling